Justice Sensitivity in the Face of Social Media
Social media and online forums are a great way to stay connected to others - especially when autistic/ADHD! However, what happens when social media comments are causing us more distress than providing an avenue for connection?
Justice sensitivity is the reactive dysregulation (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) that can occur when someone perceives injustice or “something not being right”. This response is related to the challenges an AuDHD person may have with the executive function of flexible thinking.
What can this look like on social media?
Engaging in “combative” or “argumentative” comment threads with others online, sometimes strangers
Having a personal passion or knowledge base about a particular subject and feeling the need to educate others online
Struggling to let incorrect or ignorant comments be ignored
Difficulty identifying and perceiving another’s point of view from their comments
How can we improve this skill?
Identify our emotional response or dysregulation through “body check ins” after a comment triggers our need to respond. Neurodivergent individuals have differences in their interoception, our sense of identifying and understanding bodily signals. Check in with yourself - did your heart rate or breathing increase? Are your palms feeling sweaty? Has your mind been flooded with overlapping thoughts?
Remember, not all people have the same experiences, knowledge, or passion about the same topics. This can impact the way another person thinks or their sense of justice regarding certain topics.
Use the “S.T.O.P” strategy:
S- Slow down and take a moment
T- Think about your emotional reactions or own perceptions.
Ask yourself: what is my main goal here and what is theirs? Am I getting “stuck” in my emotions?
O- Open mind to other perceptions, thought processes, or opinions
P- Proceed with the conversation or dismiss it
Other thoughts that may help:
Identifying when it's happening, naming the thing that is bothering you, and deciding what and how you might address it and what you want to accomplish. This may just be by walking away from the situation.
Redirecting our energy toward solutions to the problems or ignorant comments/opinions we may see on social media can often be a much more gratifying experience such as:
Finding volunteer work to spread education on the subject
Sharing your experiences in safe spaces with others
Distributing reliable information for willing people to educate themselves
Some people online may just use “trolling” or being inflammatory for fun. It can be a harmful way to pass the time and we cannot change them. Recognize this pattern on the internet and try not to give them the big reaction they may be trying to provoke - just hit block.
Contributors: Kaitlyn, Kathaniel, Nik